Top 3 tablets

Thursday, February 18, 2016 0 Comments


There are a plenty of tablets there in our surroundings. but in this post you will be seeing about the top 3 tablets, their features and prices.

1.The first one is The Pixel C from Google it is newly launched tablets from Google it was launched with the two of the famous phones Nexus 5x & 6p on the Google event.
Cost - 50,000 

2.The second one is most anticipated one The iPad pro from apple newly launched and filled with plenty of new and great features. Most importantly the matter of its size.

Cost - 90,000

3.The third and last but not the least The Microsoft Surface Pro 4 which is nearly filled with all features of a laptop. It is the new tablet with the windows 10 and many great features that make it totally like a laptop.

Cost - 90,000

In this way there are many tablets from now and upcoming which are filled with some extra ordinary features but the places of this tablets can’t be replaced this are one of their kind. Thanks for reading if you have any suggestions on this please comment and share your thoughts with us we are waiting for your review on our posts. 


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google